andrew w. moore

## about

Hi there, I'm Andrew! Thanks for visiting my personal webpage. I'm a thirty-ish data engineer, working from the northwest USA. I use he/him/his pronouns. I have a degree in Psychology from the College of Idaho (a small liberal arts school), with a minor in History. After graduating in 2013, I moved to Ann Arbor, MI where I helped support several research units associated with the University of Michigan. Gradually my interests in social science broadened to encompass what's now referred to as "data science", as I took on roles involving data management and statistical analysis.

I'm currently working on a second degree in applied mathematics at Boise State. I'm broadly interested in statistical inference, survey design/analysis, data visualization, and data engineering practices that increase organizational capacity.

My previous former work experience includes:
  • working as a data warehouse developer at Boise State University
  • serving in Boise State's Office of Institutional Research
  • assisting with research and program evaluation in UM SSW's Child & Adolescent Data Lab
  • managing and collecting behavioral data in social & cognitive psychology labs
Currently, I'm serving as a senior data engineer in the University of Colorado Boulder's Office of Information Technology (OIT). My team resides with the Data & Analytics group, where we support 100+ automated data pipelines, multiple custom API services, and provide data warehousing support to campus stakeholders. Please feel free to reach out to discuss any opportunities! Just type 'contact' in the prompt below. You can also check out my resume by typing 'cv' in the prompt, or by visiting /cv.

## now

(This is a now page, if you haven't seen one before.)

Updated 8/15/2024:
  • Living in Boise, ID
  • Working remotely in CU Boulder's OIT, as a senior data engineer
  • I'm learning a lot about CI/CD and Snowflake, primarily through standing up dbt-core at work
  • Still practicing a bit of German every day
  • About to start my final two lecture courses for my degree: MATH 403 (Linear Algebra) and MATH 465 (Numerical Methods).

## blog

I maintain a blog where I post updates about side-projects and other things I'm working on. You can access it here.

## contact

Here are a few good ways to reach me:

## consulting

Coming soon!

## website

I built this website from scratch using SvelteKit. Hosting is provided via Vercel. The inspiration for the CLI-style interface was heavily influenced by Craig Feldman's website. The source code for this website can be found here.